Friday 6 April 2007

Muhammad Haque daily world political commentary - how Blair has damaged both democracy and morality everywhere - on this and related sites today

AADHIKARonline The 6th Edition 1110 Hrs GMT /1210 London time Friday 6 April 2007
[‘Good Friday’ a Christian bank holiday for ‘Easter’]

Editor©Muhammad Haque

AADHIKAR in association with ‘KHOODEELAAR! The Brick Lane and Whitechapel London E1 Area No to CrossRail hole ‘scheme, scam, and project. Plot’ Bill’ campaign


Summarised version of the AADHIKAROnline- Khoodeelaar! Legal disclaimer at 1150 Hrs GMT on Saturday 24 March 2007
This statement is being made for ethical, moral, transparency and legal reasons. The moral claims and responsibilities for the contents herein are being owned and declared by the Editor and the AADHIKAR Media Foundation. Likewise, all legal claims and authorship rights are also asserted. This statement and disclaimer was edited and updated at 1150 hrs GMT on Saturday 24 March 2007
This material is published on a purely non-profit, noncommercial, internationally humanitarian and educational basis. The cost of production including the transferable costs, are all borne by the publishers, the AADHIKAR Media Foundation, based in London
The full texts of the current AADHIKAROnline legal disclaimer is available on e-mail request which can be sent to by CLICKING HERE

For the purpose of alerting visitors to the Aadhikar Media Foundation sites and pages, here is the summarised version, updated at 1030 Hrs GMT on Friday 23 March 2007
AADHIKARonline and these editions in association with Khoodeelaar! The CAMPAIGN AGAINST the CrossRail hole project plan scheme scam Bill [the so-called ‘CrossRail Bill’, currently a draft piece of legislation in the UK Houses of Parliament] Published purely as an educational and information resource originally researched authored and created by the Editor and any named or identified other writer and or Author. NOT For inclusion in any commercial package whatever. Nor in any alleged work or confection or operation or piece that is in any way at any stage to be treated as an academic work in any institution anywhere. ALL the contents in this edition [as in the allied editions] of AADHIKARonline are originally researched, conceived of and are totally written and edited by the Editor except where a quotation or a reference to a third party or person is included which references are expressly acknowledged, cited and detailed. The same restriction applies to any inclusion in any type of academic, pseudo-academic operation, task or production in any part of the world. Not For inclusion as any component of any ethnicity-linked, pro-racist, colonialist, globalising publication, stunt, enterprise, trade or operation. ALL materials published from London UK by AADHIKAR Media Foundation on this web site or on any associated websites remain the intellectual and moral creation and property of the creating author/s and Editor.

AADHIKARonline The 4th Edition 1055 Hrs GMT /1155 London time Friday 6 April 2007
[‘Good Friday’ a Christian bank holiday for ‘Easter’]
Khoodeelaar! No to CRASSrail hole Bill -
A review of the dirty tricks that the CRASSrail plotters have been using in their desperate bid to weaken the Khoodeelaar! Campaign – they have only reinforced the moral, the ethical, the social, the democratic and the environmental bases of the Khoodeelaar! campaign
What fanatical, racist, imperialist Hillary Clinton-cloned, mentally unsound, racist element has been also posting against the community in the Brick Lane, Whitechapel Stepney London E1 area in the context of the Khoodeelaar”! campaign in defence of the area against Crossrail hole attacks?
Why Crossrail hole-plot-backer ‘Undone mayor’ [!, our new phrase devised just now here, to describe the liar] has got it wrong and is again lying with his crocodile tears about the low paid, low waged in London
Why Crossrail hole plot is a bigger disaster to London environment than some of the worst congestions
Why is Tower Hamlets Council ‘leader’ Denise Jones silent about the minimising of the impact of the Crossrail hole plot on the Hanbury Street London E1? Is Denise Jones’s silence linked with the fact that she has been involved in an entente with her alleged rivals within the corrupt clique on the current Council? And has she been told by one of her several 'ethnicity-linked' 'friends' that the real cabal of crooks who always come forward with servitude in return for ethncity-0lonked bribery and corruption funding from the Council, will back the clique again no matter how much damage the Crossrail hole-inviting behaviour of the Council does to the community in the long, in the near and in the short terms? - More here shortly
What ‘socialist’ can discredit ‘socialism’ and how many of those have been doing it on Tower Hamlets Council since 4 May 2006?
How many liars are currently sitting as councillors on Tower Hamlets Council?
Why must the electorate of the UK parliamentary seat of ‘Bethnal Green and Bow’ be spared the embarrassment of being hoodwinked, conned into voting for a complete and utter liar, a fraudster and a crook? Why ethnicity-linking or gender-linking are both WRONG and why Khoodeelaar! Will support all independent opposition to both ethnicity-linking and gender-linking as at all acceptable criteria for anyone even remotely ‘eligible’ to claim to be fit to represent this [the Bethnal Green and Bow parliamentary] constituency in the UK House of Commons?
Why Blair must end the corruption that so overwhelms the rest of his domestic record and why Blair has only a month to do this- and why Blair will leave as ghastly immoral and shameful a ‘legacy’ behind as he will a horribly illegal and criminal record in the international arena by his racist imperialist attacks on millions of innocent people whose land and whose resources are the subject of the massive new imperialist attacks and crises created as pretexts for and excuses for looting and plundering – And why Blair won’t do it. Why Blair will leave as immoral a legacy as only Blair is capable of, which will be massive and unbearable. And why there cannot be any values whatever attaching to such robbery, murders and destruction that Blair was allowed to indulge in by the ‘elected House of Commons’ and why anyone who takes up the position at No 10 Downing Street will have a very hard task really recovering any credibility either at home or internationally for the office of the ‘British Prime Minister’. Why the lines and liens of time-serving immoral careerist – the entire lot of them in the Blaired cabinet – are not going to have the courage or the morality or the intelligence [in the sense of sight into the times ahead, at any temporal distance] to tell Blair to apologise NOW for the lies that he has told, for the violations that he has committed, the betrayals that he has perpetrated. And why every single one of those liras is unfit to claim to be any better. If they were any better than Blair, they would have sacked him long ago. How would they have sacked him? By resigning en masse. And speaking out together against the Blairing degeneration across the country and internationally. By effectively paralysing the Blairing adventurous regime. By forcing a far better democratising event than anything that will follow in the staged, corrupting ‘election to become Blaired party deputy leader’ or even leader that will be staged by whatever democratic semblances remain in the former Labour Party
Why NO backer of Crossrail hole plot on the Tower Hamlets Council must at all expect to be allowed to get anywhere near legitimacy as a candidate for election from this constituency – whenever or however any bon a fide election may be held for Bethnal Green and Bow
Why No other ‘contender’, whether ethnicity-linked, gender linked, sexual orientation-linked, must assume that the CrossRail hole attack on this community is now a ‘settled matter’ and that they shall pass while the Crossrail hole is still in the ‘Crossrail hole Bill’
Why no ‘socialist’ [!!!!!] imperialist racist cabal currently masquerading under all guises and covers as in any way an alternative to the lying criminal clique in control of the local machine of the former Labour Party in Tower Hamlets, must harbour the idiotic racist fantasy of foisting some criminal upon this constituency via the back door, either
Khoodeelaar! No to the CRASS role being played by the Crossrail hole plotters and their likes over the other issues that equally affect this community – Details here shortly
Why Tower Hamlets Council ‘town hall’ must be returned to the centre of the population in the borough, not kept away any longer in the anti-democratic, criminally-sited distant, undemocratic social and political wasteland of Mulberry place – a new and overdue campaign for the return of the Town Hall nearer to the people – more here soon

AADHIKARonline The 1st Edition 1100 Hrs GMT / 1200 Hrs UK time London Thursday 5 April 2007
Khoodeelaar! Campaign against CrossRail hole plot Bill is vindicated once again! Despite the many stunts he has been staging by wantonly abusing his position as ‘mayor’ of London, CRASSrail hole plot-backer, Big Business agent Ken Lyingstone is so desperate now that he is forced to issue unconcealed threats of electoral disaster to the Blair Party. And as the Lyingstone threat is retailed via the utterly pro-Government, PRO-Big Business website which is relying on a ‘Prospect’ magazine interview of two of the past few days, it is certain that even Livingstone knows that his capacity to hide his really sinister abusive streak under covers of something less sinister has come to near its end. Why else would Lyingstone threaten to withdraw his alleged support to the Blair party? He is reportedly saying that unless Blair backs CRASSrail, Livingstone will refuse to back the Blairing party at the next election? What more does the liar want? The CRASSrail plot is in the 'Crossrail Bill' in its current form. It has got its second reading [19 July 2005] already and is blindly being backed by a bunch of poodles posing as the ‘select committee’. That stupidly operated and the stupidly controlled committee has violated the constitutional obligations by obstructing the genuine objections from being presented to it. So blind has it been in preventing opposition to the technical, environmental and other flaws in the ‘Crossrail Bill’ that it [the stupid committee in the House of Commons] has ruled out all but a few token objections. And the Bill will get the Govt backing under the usual whipping mechanism that is in place. So what is it that Lyingstone is complaining about? Unless the charade for CRASSrail he recently staged at No 10 Downing Street – and heaped the praise on the lifelong time server Lyons [who is now being installed as Chairman at the over-stooged BBC] was nothing more than another elaborately packaged lie to give the flawed CRASSrail plot an appearance and a credibility that it does not have and does not deserve!. No substance to any of his crass claims for Crossrail hole plot that he was able to get aired through the media around that time! Which brings the matter back to what Khoodeelaar! Has been saying all along: that the crassly conceived project as contained and typified in the 'Crossrail Bill' is seriously flawed. On all counts. And we have made it plain to Blair for the past 3 years and 4 months of analytical, constitutional, legal and political representation against the Crassly conceived plot that he cannot allow so much scarce public money to be committed to such as seriously flawed, unnecessary plot. [To be continued]

AADHIKARonline The 2nd Edition 0700 Hrs GMT / 0800 Hrs UK time London Wednesday 4 April 2007

Khoodeelaar! Exposes Crossrail hole-inviting lying clique on Tower Hamlets Council – ‘minimising disruption’ – we shall explain this multiple lying phrase and show how it typifies the crass corrupt backward behaviour role conduct and ‘thinking’ of every single one of the corrupt clique on the Tower Hamlets Council of all ethnicity linking and gender and orientation
What Khoodeelaar! Legal action notice to Transport Secretary Douglas Alexander said yesterday [Tuesday 3 April 2007]
How the Crossrail hole-imposer rubber stamp ‘select committee’ in the UK House of Commons should be scrapped and why the likelihood of its being scrapped being low, Khoodeelaar! Is preparing a separate constitutional and legal challenge to expose the sham that the select committee is, has been and will remain -
Khoodeelaar! Compares the Crossrail hole-backer Ken Livingstone’s crocodile tears for the alleged low paid people in London – why Lyingstone was Lying still in that crocodile exhibition which he staged within a few days of the disclosure, a very rare event, that Lyingstone had been lying all along to cover up for Bob Kiley a now widely known lazy person being given the benefit of several £million of the poor Londoner’s money just to give Lyingstone the facility to claim that he is not ‘that dangerous after all, even though he sued to be a Red’! Howe far will Lyingstone go to cling on to the corrupting publicly paid for positions in London rather than give up this crazy addiction to publicly paid for office and ‘power’? How many Crossrail hole-like attacks has Lyingstone foisted on people across London and beyond? – More analysis here shortly
And why do the Guardian, the BBC continue to afford the liar of London so much uncritical space and why do they not point out the liar’s unacceptable temerity to shed crocodile tears for the alleged poorly paid when he is robbing the budget to bribe and enrich his private contacts and mates?
What is this phrase ‘alleged poorly paid’? This is to mock and expose the other capital lie that has been confected for the Liar of London and foisted upon the mainstream media-reliant populace.. suggesting untruthfully that London has become paradise and all poverty, hardship, discrimination, social exclusion has been abolished ! How? Because it has the Liar as its mayor! A mayor who keeps reciting the pathetic lie that London is now the ‘top’ ‘world class city’, that it is attracting huge huge dollops of the world’s riches…he never explains how this is taking place, never says a word about the true reason for this – which is the deliberate policy of revivalist empire occupation of large parts of Asia so that the cash will be brought here as the inevitable consequence of that imperialist capitalist military and military-aided and linked occupation, as planned and anticipated by the Military Industrial Complex of which the UK ‘economy’ is a big, big part -
Crossrail hole plot extravaganza demanded by the very same Guardian which also, albeit reluctantly, includes regular reports on how the public utilities are letting down the people in the country- Khoodeelaar! Analysis of the lying Guardian and a constitutional update on the corrupting, racist role played by the Guardian so far - here shortly
Khoodeelaar! Breaking news

AADHIKARonline The 5th Edition 2310 Hrs GMT on Tuesday 3 April 2007 / 0010 Hrs UK time, London Wednesday 4 April 2007 Editor©Muhammad Haque

When he first set his stall as a 'journalist’ 'transport expert’ [in the 1980s] Christian Wolmer almost came across as 10 honest and credible. Now that was a huge achievement given the totally lying behaviour of the professional British journalist in hawk to Big Business interests and agenda. However, Wolmer is now a fully subscribing servant of Big Business plotters on railways. Throughout the day Tuesday 3 April 2007, he was offering his pathetic expertise via the assortment of ‘mainstream’ broadcasting outlets and outfits. Like his co-peddlers, Wolmer peddled for Crossrail as he did for the so-called pegged item. None of what they have broadcast today amounts to addressing the core of the transport crisis in Britain. Khoodeelaar! Will be dealing with that in the next days and weeksTo see just how stupid these so-called Passenger Focussed quotable spokespeople are, CLICK HERE for the ITV retailing of the Crossrail hole plot lies as they were perpetrated during Tuesday 3 April 2007. Similar lies for Crossrail were told via Channel 4 as well as by a host of other ‘mainstream’ media outlets in Britain.


AADHIKARonline The 3rd Edition 2030 Hrs GMT / 2130 Hrs UK time, London Tuesday 3 April 2007
Hanbury Street, London E1, kids join Khoodeelaar! No to ‘Crossrail hole attacks on the Brick Lane and Whitechapel London E1 Area’
reports shortly
Khoodeelaar! legal action programme – new legal action notice on Douglas Alexander, the current Blair minister ‘in charge’ of or ‘responsible’ for the Crossrail hole attacks plot against the East End of London
Khoodeelaar! latest constitutional law grounds for action against the CRASSrail hole Bill select committee’s [UK House of Commons] corruption and bureaucratic obstruction

Evidence of illegality and fraud by the Crossrail hole company and their ‘legal team’
Khoodeelaar! Quoting London disaster Ken Livingstone on the latest 'appointments' on the board of his bureaucratic outfit Transport for London, Tuesday 3 April 2007 [NOTICED]

‘Theft Board has an important role in scrutinising and commenting upon a huge range of often complex but always important transport issues and projects. It is vital that the Board and its advisers reflect a wide range of knowledge and experience and I am delighted (with) these appointments"
Khoodeelaar! UNQuoting London disaster Ken Livingstone on the latest 'appointments' on the board of his bureaucratic outfit Transport for London, Tuesday 3 April 2007 [NOTICED]
Khoodeelaar! Comment on Livingstone’s pathetic, complacent statement about the TfL will be published on our websites during Wednesday 4 April 2007


AADHIKARonline The 2nd Edition 0740 Hrs GMT / 0840 Hrs UK time, London Monday 2 April 2007
Khoodeelaar! Manifesto for Bethnal green and Bow Against Crossrail hole plot, scheme, plan’ Bill - the latest parts of the Manifesto will be published here shortly

Why it is racist and corrupting and immoral and unethical and undemocratic for anyone to promote ethnicity-based careerists- a review of the corruption in and via the former Labour Party
How the LYING East London Idiotiser is contaminating the atmosphere by lyingly peddling its alleged professional 'challenge' to the 'East End Liars', those who are behind the 'East End Lies' and why the 'East London Idiotiser' is asking for an even deeper scrutiny of its pathetic records than Khoodeelaar! has carried out so far - and why the 'East London Idiotiser' must stop lying and or providing any more space to the liars it has lyingly recruited in the recent past as part of its grubby 'battle' with Tower Hamlets Council's controlling clique -The Idiotiser cannot lie and then pretend that it is somehow for some ethical standard itself!
The facts on how Tower Hamlets Crossrail hole-inviter Council is lying about its role in brining the CrossRail hole attacks
What is happening in the UK House of Commons about the CRASSrail hole attacks - and why the Rupert Murdoch Times is still attacking the remnants of what Gordon Brown used to believe in - a shred of responsibility where the opening of the Treasury to Big Business looters are concerned - why Ed Balls's presence and Gordon Brown's absence from the Crossrail Ken's stunt staged at 10 Downing Street is so central to the understanding of just how much and how many things are wrong with the CRASSrail hole plot- why CrossRail is wrong in all key particulars
Khoodeelaar! Legal action programme – when the actual application/.s to the courts in the UK against Crossrail hole plotters will begin
Breaking news, updates and reports


AADHIKARonline The 1st Edition 1340 Hrs GMT / 1440 Hrs UK time, London Saturday 31 March 2007

How central is the ‘KHOODEELAAR! The Brick Lane and Whitechapel London E1 Area No to CrossRail hole ‘scheme, scam, and project. Plot’ Bill’ campaign to the future of Tower Hamlets? How central has it been in the past 39 months
Why Khoodeelaar! Manifesto for Bethnal Green and Bow against Crossrail hole shows that this campaign has created and established the way for the future to ‘all the parties, groupings and grouplets’ claiming to be doing the ‘political and democratic work on behalf of the community’ on the local Council, on the GLA and in the UK House of Commons]to the extent/s that they are relevant]
How many ‘witnesses’ to events and incidents and evidence in the Khoodeelaar! Legal action programme have been exposed as sham and as being phonies so far? What Big Business criminals and touts have been posting deliberately false and provocative taunts ion the internet because they have long lost any credibility in the face of the sustained campaign by Khoodeelaar!
Why did a Tower Hamlets Council employee, ‘Tim Hogan’ lie to prevent the Khoodeelaar! Case to be put before the formal sitting of the Tower Hamlets Council in June 2006?
Khoodeelaar! Legal action programme and campaign updates and campaign breaking news
How the Khoodeelaar! Movement has CHANGED the regime at the East London Idiotiser and has caused that racist corrupting outfit to admit its racism, although it still has a 100 years or so to go before being truthfully acceptable as a ‘local newspaper’ claiming to be telling a fraction of the of facts let alone the truth of what is happening in the 'East London' are of its grubby circulation.
And why the pathetically-edited IDIOTISER’s other obscene, unethical, undemocratic, immoral conduct, its promotion of allegedly glamorous time-serving enemies of the community will backfire on it at the crucial moment- just like it did over its 10 year promotion of ‘Oona King’. What did they do to promote Oona King? They had taken part in the promotion of Oona King as the one who ‘drove the MPS wild with sexual desire’. Now, when had ANY voter in the Bethnal green and Bow Constituency been asked to cast their vote for a brothel? And why would the Idiotiser not be required to apologise to the people in the East End for misrepresenting the constituency as nothing more than an 'electoral' source for filling up a de facto brothel in parliament – More here
Why is the Idiotiser also wrong to mislead its readers and put another series of false records in its pages and on its [recently started] website about who the people in the East End are, socially, culturally, linguistically, historically and why the Idiotiser must be stopped from promoting criminals and falsifiers and crooks…
What right has the Idiotiser to claim to be the ‘local newspaper’ when it cannot tell the difference between two convicted criminals – criminals whose really mafia partners have so far been allowed to get off mainly because of the abuse of office by certain holders of public office/s concerned
And since when did ‘socialism’ include being as corrupt as - if not more corrupt than - the capitalist crooks’? The obscene spectacle of Tower Hamlets Council and certain ‘socialist’ councillors who are beyond contempt already, and it is less than 11 months since they got into the corrupting Mulberry Place address

Muhammad Haque daily world political commentary - how Blair has damaged both democracy and morality everywhere - here next

<br />AADHIKARonline The 5th Edition<br />1100 Hrs GMT London Friday 6 April 2007 Editor©Muhammad Haque<br />

AADHIKARonline The 4th Edition
1055 Hrs GMT /1155 London time Friday 6 April 2007
[‘Good Friday’ a Christian bank holiday for ‘Easter’]

Editor©Muhammad Haque

AADHIKAR in association with
‘KHOODEELAAR! The Brick Lane and Whitechapel London
E1 Area No to CrossRail hole ‘scheme, scam, and project. Plot’
Bill’ campaign


Summarised version of the
AADHIKAROnline- Khoodeelaar! Legal disclaimer at 1150 Hrs
GMT on Saturday 24 March 2007
This statement is being
made for ethical, moral, transparency and legal reasons. The
moral claims and responsibilities for the contents herein are
being owned and declared by the Editor and the AADHIKAR
Media Foundation. Likewise, all legal claims and authorship
rights are also asserted. This statement and disclaimer was
edited and updated at 1150 hrs GMT on Saturday 24 March
This material is published on a purely non-profit, noncommercial,
internationally humanitarian and educational basis.
The cost of production including the transferable costs, are all
borne by the publishers, the AADHIKAR Media Foundation,
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The full texts of the current
AADHIKAROnline legal disclaimer is available on e-mail
request which can be sent to by

For the purpose of
alerting visitors to the Aadhikar Media Foundation sites and
pages, here is the summarised version, updated at 1030 Hrs
GMT on Friday 23 March 2007
AADHIKARonline and
these editions in association with Khoodeelaar! The
CAMPAIGN AGAINST the CrossRail hole project plan scheme
scam Bill [the so-called ‘CrossRail Bill’, currently a draft piece
of legislation in the UK Houses of Parliament] Published purely
as an educational and information resource originally researched
authored and created by the Editor and any named or identified
other writer and or Author. NOT For inclusion in any
commercial package whatever. Nor in any alleged work or
confection or operation or piece that is in any way at any stage
to be treated as an academic work in any institution anywhere.
ALL the contents in this edition [as in the allied editions] of
AADHIKARonline are originally researched, conceived of and
are totally written and edited by the Editor except where a
quotation or a reference to a third party or person is included
which references are expressly acknowledged, cited and
detailed. The same restriction applies to any inclusion in any
type of academic, pseudo-academic operation, task or production in any part of the world. Not For
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colonialist, globalising publication, stunt, enterprise, trade or
operation. ALL materials published from London UK by
AADHIKAR Media Foundation on this web site or on any
associated websites remain the intellectual and moral creation
and property of the creating author/s and Editor.

AADHIKARonline The 4th Edition
1055 Hrs GMT /1155 London time Friday 6 April 2007
[‘Good Friday’ a Christian bank holiday for ‘Easter’]

    Khoodeelaar! No to CRASSrail hole Bill -
  1. A review of the dirty tricks that the CRASSrail plotters have been using in their desperate bid to weaken the Khoodeelaar! Campaign – they have only reinforced the moral, the ethical, the social, the democratic and the environmental bases of the Khoodeelaar! campaign
  2. What fanatical, racist, imperialist Hillary Clinton-cloned, mentally unsound, racist element has been also posting against the community in the Brick Lane, Whitechapel Stepney London E1 area in the context of the Khoodeelaar”! campaign in defence of the area against Crossrail hole attacks?
  3. Why Crossrail hole-plot-backer ‘Undone mayor’ [!, our new phrase devised just now here, to describe the liar] has got it wrong and is again lying with his crocodile tears about the low paid, low waged in London
  4. Why Crossrail hole plot is a bigger disaster to London environment than some of the worst congestions
  5. Why is Tower Hamlets Council ‘leader’ Denise Jones silent about the minimising of the impact of the Crossrail hole plot on the Hanbury Street London E1? Is Denise Jones’s silence linked with the fact that she has been involved in an entente with her alleged rivals within the corrupt clique on the current Council? And has she been told by one of her several 'ethnicity-linked' 'friends' that the real cabal of crooks who always come forward with servitude in return for ethncity-0lonked bribery and corruption funding from the Council, will back the clique again no matter how much damage the Crossrail hole-inviting behaviour of the Council does to the community in the long, in the near and in the short terms? - More here shortly
  6. What ‘socialist’ can discredit ‘socialism’ and how many of those have been doing it on Tower Hamlets Council since 4 May 2006?
  7. How many liars are currently sitting as councillors on Tower Hamlets Council?
  8. Why must the electorate of the UK parliamentary seat of ‘Bethnal Green and Bow’ be spared the embarrassment of being hoodwinked, conned into voting for a complete and utter liar, a fraudster and a crook? Why ethnicity-linking or gender-linking are both WRONG and why Khoodeelaar! Will support all independent opposition to both ethnicity-linking and gender-linking as at all acceptable criteria for anyone even remotely ‘eligible’ to claim to be fit to represent this [the Bethnal Green and Bow parliamentary] constituency in the UK House of Commons?
  9. Why Blair must end the corruption that so overwhelms the rest of his domestic record and why Blair has only a month to do this- and why Blair will leave as ghastly immoral and shameful a ‘legacy’ behind as he will a horribly illegal and criminal record in the international arena by his racist imperialist attacks on millions of innocent people whose land and whose resources are the subject of the massive new imperialist attacks and crises created as pretexts for and excuses for looting and plundering – And why Blair won’t do it. Why Blair will leave as immoral a legacy as only Blair is capable of, which will be massive and unbearable. And why there cannot be any values whatever attaching to such robbery, murders and destruction that Blair was allowed to indulge in by the ‘elected House of Commons’ and why anyone who takes up the position at No 10 Downing Street will have a very hard task really recovering any credibility either at home or internationally for the office of the ‘British Prime Minister’. Why the lines and liens of time-serving immoral careerist – the entire lot of them in the Blaired cabinet – are not going to have the courage or the morality or the intelligence [in the sense of sight into the times ahead, at any temporal distance] to tell Blair to apologise NOW for the lies that he has told, for the violations that he has committed, the betrayals that he has perpetrated. And why every single one of those liras is unfit to claim to be any better. If they were any better than Blair, they would have sacked him long ago. How would they have sacked him? By resigning en masse. And speaking out together against the Blairing degeneration across the country and internationally. By effectively paralysing the Blairing adventurous regime. By forcing a far better democratising event than anything that will follow in the staged, corrupting ‘election to become Blaired party deputy leader’ or even leader that will be staged by whatever democratic semblances remain in the former Labour Party
  10. Why NO backer of Crossrail hole plot on the Tower Hamlets Council must at all expect to be allowed to get anywhere near legitimacy as a candidate for election from this constituency – whenever or however any bon a fide election may be held for Bethnal Green and Bow
  11. Why No other ‘contender’, whether ethnicity-linked, gender linked, sexual orientation-linked, must assume that the CrossRail hole attack on this community is now a ‘settled matter’ and that they shall pass while the Crossrail hole is still in the ‘Crossrail hole Bill’
  12. Why no ‘socialist’ [!!!!!] imperialist racist cabal currently masquerading under all guises and covers as in any way an alternative to the lying criminal clique in control of the local machine of the former Labour Party in Tower Hamlets, must harbour the idiotic racist fantasy of foisting some criminal upon this constituency via the back door, either
  13. Khoodeelaar! No to the CRASS role being played by the Crossrail hole plotters and their likes over the other issues that equally affect this community – Details here shortly
  14. Why Tower Hamlets Council ‘town hall’ must be returned to the centre of the population in the borough, not kept away any longer in the anti-democratic, criminally-sited distant, undemocratic social and political wasteland of Mulberry place – a new and overdue campaign for the return of the Town Hall nearer to the people – more here soon


AADHIKARonline The 1st Edition
1100 Hrs GMT / 1200 Hrs UK time London Thursday 5 April 2007

    Khoodeelaar! Campaign against CrossRail hole plot Bill is vindicated once again! Despite the many stunts he has been staging by wantonly abusing his position as ‘mayor’ of London, CRASSrail hole plot-backer, Big Business agent Ken Lyingstone is so desperate now that he is forced to issue unconcealed threats of electoral disaster to the Blair Party. And as the Lyingstone threat is retailed via the utterly pro-Government, PRO-Big Business website which is relying on a ‘Prospect’ magazine interview of two of the past few days, it is certain that even Livingstone knows that his capacity to hide his really sinister abusive streak under covers of something less sinister has come to near its end. Why else would Lyingstone threaten to withdraw his alleged support to the Blair party? He is reportedly saying that unless Blair backs CRASSrail, Livingstone will refuse to back the Blairing party at the next election? What more does the liar want? The CRASSrail plot is in the 'Crossrail Bill' in its current form. It has got its second reading [19 July 2005] already and is blindly being backed by a bunch of poodles posing as the ‘select committee’. That stupidly operated and the stupidly controlled committee has violated the constitutional obligations by obstructing the genuine objections from being presented to it. So blind has it been in preventing opposition to the technical, environmental and other flaws in the ‘Crossrail Bill’ that it [the stupid committee in the House of Commons] has ruled out all but a few token objections. And the Bill will get the Govt backing under the usual whipping mechanism that is in place. So what is it that Lyingstone is complaining about? Unless the
    charade for CRASSrail he recently staged at No 10 Downing Street – and heaped the praise on the lifelong time server Lyons [who is now being installed as Chairman at the over-stooged BBC] was nothing more than another elaborately packaged lie to give the flawed CRASSrail plot an appearance and a credibility that it does not have and does not deserve!. No substance to any of his crass claims for Crossrail hole plot that he was able to get aired through the media around that time! Which brings the matter back to what Khoodeelaar! Has been saying all along: that the crassly conceived project as contained and typified in the 'Crossrail Bill' is seriously flawed. On all counts. And we have made it plain to Blair for the past 3 years and 4 months of analytical, constitutional, legal and political representation against the Crassly conceived plot that he cannot allow so much scarce public money to be committed to such as seriously flawed, unnecessary plot. [To be continued]

AADHIKARonline The 2nd Edition
0700 Hrs GMT / 0800 Hrs UK time London Wednesday 4 April 2007

    Khoodeelaar! Exposes Crossrail hole-inviting lying clique on Tower Hamlets Council – ‘minimising disruption’ – we shall explain this multiple lying phrase and show how it typifies the crass corrupt backward behaviour role conduct and ‘thinking’ of every single one of the corrupt clique on the Tower Hamlets Council of all ethnicity linking and gender and orientation
  1. What Khoodeelaar! Legal action notice to Transport Secretary Douglas Alexander said yesterday [Tuesday 3 April 2007]
  2. How the Crossrail hole-imposer rubber stamp ‘select committee’ in the UK House of Commons should be scrapped and why the likelihood of its being scrapped being low, Khoodeelaar! Is preparing a separate constitutional and legal challenge to expose the sham that the select committee is, has been and will remain -
  3. Khoodeelaar! Compares the Crossrail hole-backer Ken Livingstone’s crocodile tears for the alleged low paid people in London – why Lyingstone was Lying still in that crocodile exhibition which he staged within a few days of the disclosure, a very rare event, that Lyingstone had been lying all along to cover up for Bob Kiley a now widely known lazy person being given the benefit of several £million of the poor Londoner’s money just to give Lyingstone the facility to claim that he is not ‘that dangerous after all, even though he sued to be a Red’! Howe far will Lyingstone go to cling on to the corrupting publicly paid for positions in London rather than give up this crazy addiction to publicly paid for office and ‘power’? How many Crossrail hole-like attacks has Lyingstone foisted on people across London and beyond? – More analysis here shortly
  4. And why do the Guardian, the BBC continue to afford the liar of London so much uncritical space and why do they not point out the liar’s unacceptable temerity to shed crocodile tears for the alleged poorly paid when he is robbing the budget to bribe and enrich his private contacts and mates?
  5. What is this phrase ‘alleged poorly paid’? This is to mock and expose the other capital lie that has been confected for the Liar of London and foisted upon the mainstream media-reliant populace.. suggesting untruthfully that London has become paradise and all poverty, hardship, discrimination, social exclusion has been abolished ! How? Because it has the Liar as its mayor! A mayor who keeps reciting the pathetic lie that London is now the ‘top’ ‘world class city’, that it is attracting huge huge dollops of the world’s riches…he never explains how this is taking place, never says a word about the true reason for this – which is the deliberate policy of revivalist empire occupation of large parts of Asia so that the cash will be brought here as the inevitable consequence of that imperialist capitalist military and military-aided and linked occupation, as planned and anticipated by the Military Industrial Complex of which the UK ‘economy’ is a big, big part -
  6. Crossrail hole plot extravaganza demanded by the very same Guardian which also, albeit reluctantly, includes regular reports on how the public utilities are letting down the people in the country- Khoodeelaar! Analysis of the lying Guardian and a constitutional update on the corrupting, racist role played by the Guardian so far - here shortly
  7. Khoodeelaar! Breaking news


AADHIKARonline The 5th Edition
2310 Hrs GMT on Tuesday 3 April 2007 / 0010 Hrs UK time, London Wednesday 4 April 2007 Editor©Muhammad Haque

When he first set his stall as a 'journalist’ 'transport expert’ [in the 1980s] Christian Wolmer almost came across as 10 honest and credible. Now that was a huge achievement given the totally lying behaviour of the professional British journalist in hawk to Big Business interests and agenda. However, Wolmer is now a fully subscribing servant of Big Business plotters on railways. Throughout the day Tuesday 3 April 2007, he was offering his pathetic expertise via the assortment of ‘mainstream’ broadcasting outlets and outfits. Like his co-peddlers, Wolmer peddled for Crossrail as he did for the so-called pegged item. None of what they have broadcast today amounts to addressing the core of the transport crisis in Britain. Khoodeelaar! Will be dealing with that in the next days and weeksTo see just how stupid these so-called Passenger Focussed quotable spokespeople are, CLICK HERE for the ITV retailing of the Crossrail hole plot lies as they were perpetrated during Tuesday 3 April 2007. Similar lies for Crossrail were told via Channel 4 as well as by a host of other ‘mainstream’ media outlets in Britain.


AADHIKARonline The 3rd Edition
2030 Hrs GMT / 2130 Hrs UK time, London Tuesday 3 April 2007

    Hanbury Street, London E1, kids join Khoodeelaar! No to ‘Crossrail hole attacks on the Brick Lane and Whitechapel London E1 Area’

  • reports shortly
  • Khoodeelaar! legal action programme – new legal action notice on Douglas Alexander, the current Blair minister ‘in charge’ of or ‘responsible’ for the Crossrail hole attacks plot against the East End of London
  • Khoodeelaar! latest constitutional law grounds for action against the CRASSrail hole Bill select committee’s [UK House of Commons] corruption and bureaucratic obstruction
  • Evidence of illegality and fraud by the Crossrail hole company and their ‘legal team’
  • Khoodeelaar! Quoting London disaster Ken Livingstone on the latest 'appointments' on the board of his bureaucratic outfit Transport for London, Tuesday 3 April 2007 [NOTICED]

    ‘Theft Board has an important role in scrutinising and commenting upon a huge range of often complex but always important transport issues and projects. It is vital that the Board and its advisers reflect a wide range of knowledge and experience and I am delighted (with) these appointments"
    Khoodeelaar! UNQuoting London disaster Ken Livingstone on the latest 'appointments' on the board of his bureaucratic outfit Transport for London, Tuesday 3 April 2007 [NOTICED]
  • Khoodeelaar! Comment on Livingstone’s pathetic, complacent statement about the TfL will be published on our websites during Wednesday 4 April 2007

    WIDTH=”100%” COLOR=”GREEN”> AADHIKARonline The 2nd Edition
    0740 Hrs GMT / 0840 Hrs UK time, London Monday 2 April 2007

      Khoodeelaar! Manifesto for Bethnal green and Bow Against Crossrail hole plot, scheme, plan’ Bill - the latest parts of the Manifesto will be published here shortly

  • Why it is racist and corrupting and immoral and unethical and undemocratic for anyone to promote ethnicity-based careerists- a review of the corruption in and via the former Labour Party
  • How the LYING East London Idiotiser is contaminating the atmosphere by lyingly peddling its alleged professional 'challenge' to the 'East End Liars', those who are behind the 'East End Lies' and why the 'East London Idiotiser' is asking for an even deeper scrutiny of its pathetic records than Khoodeelaar! has carried out so far - and why the 'East London Idiotiser' must stop lying and or providing any more space to the liars it has lyingly recruited in the recent past as part of its grubby 'battle' with Tower Hamlets Council's controlling clique -The Idiotiser cannot lie and then pretend that it is somehow for some ethical standard itself!
  • The facts on how Tower Hamlets Crossrail hole-inviter Council is lying about its role in brining the CrossRail hole attacks
  • What is happening in the UK House of Commons about the CRASSrail hole attacks - and why the Rupert Murdoch Times is still attacking the remnants of what Gordon Brown used to believe in - a shred of responsibility where the opening of the Treasury to Big Business looters are concerned - why Ed Balls's presence and Gordon Brown's absence from the Crossrail Ken's stunt staged at 10 Downing Street is so central to the understanding of just how much and how many things are wrong with the CRASSrail hole plot- why CrossRail is wrong in all key particulars
  • Khoodeelaar! Legal action programme – when the actual application/.s to the courts in the UK against Crossrail hole plotters will begin
  • Breaking news, updates and reports
  • WIDTH=”100%” COLOR=”GREEN”>

    AADHIKARonline The 1st Edition
    1340 Hrs GMT / 1440 Hrs UK time, London Saturday 31
    March 2007

      How central is the ‘KHOODEELAAR! The Brick Lane and Whitechapel London E1 Area No to CrossRail hole ‘scheme, scam, and project. Plot’ Bill’ campaign to the future of Tower Hamlets? How central has it been in the past 39 months
    1. Why Khoodeelaar! Manifesto for Bethnal Green and Bow against Crossrail hole shows that this campaign has created and established the way for the future to ‘all the parties, groupings and grouplets’ claiming to be doing the ‘political and democratic work on behalf of the community’ on the local Council, on the GLA and in the UK House of Commons]to the extent/s that they are relevant]
    2. How many ‘witnesses’ to events and incidents and evidence in the Khoodeelaar! Legal action programme have been exposed as sham and as being phonies so far? What Big Business criminals and touts have been posting deliberately false and provocative taunts ion the internet because they have long lost any credibility in the face of the sustained campaign by Khoodeelaar!
    3. Why did a Tower Hamlets Council employee, ‘Tim Hogan’ lie to prevent the Khoodeelaar! Case to be put before the formal sitting of the Tower Hamlets Council in June 2006?
    4. Khoodeelaar! Legal action programme and campaign updates and campaign breaking news
    5. How the Khoodeelaar! Movement has CHANGED the regime at the East London Idiotiser and has caused that racist corrupting outfit to admit its racism, although it still has a 100 years or so to go before being truthfully acceptable as a ‘local newspaper’ claiming to be telling a fraction of the of facts let alone the truth of what is happening in the 'East London' are of its grubby circulation.
    6. And why the pathetically-edited IDIOTISER’s other obscene, unethical, undemocratic, immoral conduct, its promotion of allegedly glamorous time-serving enemies of the community will backfire on it at the crucial moment- just like it did over its 10 year promotion of ‘Oona King’. What did they do to promote Oona King? They had taken part in the promotion of Oona King as the one who ‘drove the MPS wild with sexual desire’. Now, when had ANY voter in the Bethnal green and Bow Constituency been asked to cast their vote for a brothel? And why would the Idiotiser not be required to apologise to the people in the East End for misrepresenting the constituency as nothing more than an 'electoral' source for filling up a de facto brothel in parliament – More here
    7. Why is the Idiotiser also wrong to mislead its readers and put another series of false records in its pages and on its [recently started] website about who the people in the East End are, socially, culturally, linguistically, historically and why the Idiotiser must be stopped from promoting criminals and falsifiers and crooks…
    8. What right has the Idiotiser to claim to be the ‘local newspaper’ when it cannot tell the difference between two convicted criminals – criminals whose really mafia partners have so far been allowed to get off mainly because of the abuse of office by certain holders of public office/s concerned
    9. And since when did ‘socialism’ include being as corrupt as - if not more corrupt than - the capitalist crooks’? The obscene spectacle of Tower Hamlets Council and certain ‘socialist’ councillors who are beyond contempt already, and it is less than 11 months since they got into the corrupting Mulberry Place address

    Muhammad Haque daily world political commentary - how Blair has damaged both democracy and morality everywhere - here next

    AADHIKARonline The 5th Edition 1100 Hrs GMT /1200 London time Friday 6 April 2007
    [‘Good Friday’ a Christian bank holiday for ‘Easter’]

    Editor©Muhammad Haque

    AADHIKAR in association with ‘KHOODEELAAR! The Brick Lane and Whitechapel London E1 Area No to CrossRail hole ‘scheme, scam, and project. Plot’ Bill’ campaign


    Summarised version of the AADHIKAROnline- Khoodeelaar! Legal disclaimer at 1150 Hrs GMT on Saturday 24 March 2007
    This statement is being made for ethical, moral, transparency and legal reasons. The moral claims and responsibilities for the contents herein are being owned and declared by the Editor and the AADHIKAR Media Foundation. Likewise, all legal claims and authorship rights are also asserted. This statement and disclaimer was edited and updated at 1150 hrs GMT on Saturday 24 March 2007
    This material is published on a purely non-profit, noncommercial, internationally humanitarian and educational basis. The cost of production including the transferable costs, are all borne by the publishers, the AADHIKAR Media Foundation, based in London
    The full texts of the current AADHIKAROnline legal disclaimer is available on e-mail request which can be sent to by CLICKING HERE

    For the purpose of alerting visitors to the Aadhikar Media Foundation sites and pages, here is the summarised version, updated at 1030 Hrs GMT on Friday 23 March 2007
    AADHIKARonline and these editions in association with Khoodeelaar! The CAMPAIGN AGAINST the CrossRail hole project plan scheme scam Bill [the so-called ‘CrossRail Bill’, currently a draft piece of legislation in the UK Houses of Parliament] Published purely as an educational and information resource originally researched authored and created by the Editor and any named or identified other writer and or Author. NOT For inclusion in any commercial package whatever. Nor in any alleged work or confection or operation or piece that is in any way at any stage to be treated as an academic work in any institution anywhere. ALL the contents in this edition [as in the allied editions] of AADHIKARonline are originally researched, conceived of and are totally written and edited by the Editor except where a quotation or a reference to a third party or person is included which references are expressly acknowledged, cited and detailed. The same restriction applies to any inclusion in any type of academic, pseudo-academic operation, task or production in any part of the world. Not For inclusion as any component of any ethnicity-linked, pro-racist, colonialist, globalising publication, stunt, enterprise, trade or operation. ALL materials published from London UK by AADHIKAR Media Foundation on this web site or on any associated websites remain the intellectual and moral creation and property of the creating author/s and Editor.

    AADHIKARonline The 4th Edition 1055 Hrs GMT /1155 London time Friday 6 April 2007
    [‘Good Friday’ a Christian bank holiday for ‘Easter’]
    Khoodeelaar! No to CRASSrail hole Bill -
    A review of the dirty tricks that the CRASSrail plotters have been using in their desperate bid to weaken the Khoodeelaar! Campaign – they have only reinforced the moral, the ethical, the social, the democratic and the environmental bases of the Khoodeelaar! campaign
    What fanatical, racist, imperialist Hillary Clinton-cloned, mentally unsound, racist element has been also posting against the community in the Brick Lane, Whitechapel Stepney London E1 area in the context of the Khoodeelaar”! campaign in defence of the area against Crossrail hole attacks?
    Why Crossrail hole-plot-backer ‘Undone mayor’ [!, our new phrase devised just now here, to describe the liar] has got it wrong and is again lying with his crocodile tears about the low paid, low waged in London
    Why Crossrail hole plot is a bigger disaster to London environment than some of the worst congestions
    Why is Tower Hamlets Council ‘leader’ Denise Jones silent about the minimising of the impact of the Crossrail hole plot on the Hanbury Street London E1? Is Denise Jones’s silence linked with the fact that she has been involved in an entente with her alleged rivals within the corrupt clique on the current Council? And has she been told by one of her several 'ethnicity-linked' 'friends' that the real cabal of crooks who always come forward with servitude in return for ethncity-0lonked bribery and corruption funding from the Council, will back the clique again no matter how much damage the Crossrail hole-inviting behaviour of the Council does to the community in the long, in the near and in the short terms? - More here shortly
    What ‘socialist’ can discredit ‘socialism’ and how many of those have been doing it on Tower Hamlets Council since 4 May 2006?
    How many liars are currently sitting as councillors on Tower Hamlets Council?
    Why must the electorate of the UK parliamentary seat of ‘Bethnal Green and Bow’ must be spared the embarrassment of being hoodwinked, conned into voting for a complete and utter liar, a fraudster and a crook? Why ethnicity-linking or gender-linking are both WRONG and why Khoodeelaar! Will support all independent opposition to both ethnicity-linking and gender-linking as at all acceptable criteria for anyone even remotely ‘eligible’ to claim to be fit to represent this [the Bethnal Green and Bow parliamentary] constituency in the UK House of Commons?
    Why Blair must end the corruption that so overwhelms the rest of his domestic record and why Blair has only a month to do this- and why Blair will leave as ghastly immoral and shameful a ‘legacy’ behind as he will a horribly illegal and criminal record in the international arena by his racist imperialist attacks on millions of innocent people whose land and whose resources are the subject of the massive new imperialist attacks and crises created as pretexts for and excuses for looting and plundering – And why Blair won’t do it. Why Blair will leave as immoral a legacy as only Blair is capable of, which will be massive and unbearable. And why there cannot be any values whatever attaching to such robbery, murders and destruction that Blair was allowed to indulge in by the ‘elected House of Commons’ and why anyone who takes up the position at No 10 Downing Street will have a very hard task really recovering any credibility either at home or internationally for the office of the ‘British Prime Minister’. Why the lines and liens of time-serving immoral careerist – the entire lot of them in the Blaired cabinet – are not going to have the courage or the morality or the intelligence [in the sense of sight into the times ahead, at any temporal distance] to tell Blair to apologise NOW for the lies that he has told, for the violations that he has committed, the betrayals that he has perpetrated. And why every single one of those liras is unfit to claim to be any better. If they were any better than Blair, they would have sacked him long ago. How would they have sacked him? By resigning en masse. And speaking out together against the Blairing degeneration across the country and internationally. By effectively paralysing the Blairing adventurous regime. By forcing a far better democratising event than anything that will follow in the staged, corrupting ‘election to become Blaired party deputy leader’ or even leader that will be staged by whatever democratic semblances remain in the former Labour Party
    Why NO backer of Crossrail hole plot on the Tower Hamlets Council must at all expect to be allowed to get anywhere near legitimacy as a candidate for election from this constituency – whenever or however any bon a fide election may be held for Bethnal Green and Bow
    Why No other ‘contender’, whether ethnicity-linked, gender linked, sexual orientation-linked, must assume that the CrossRail hole attack on this community is now a ‘settled matter’ and that they shall pass while the Crossrail hole is still in the ‘Crossrail hole Bill’
    Why no ‘socialist’ [!!!!!] imperialist racist cabal currently masquerading under all guises and covers as in any way an alternative to the lying criminal clique in control of the local machine of the former Labour Party in Tower Hamlets, must harbour the idiotic racist fantasy of foisting some criminal upon this constituency via the back door, either
    Khoodeelaar! No to the CRASS role being played by the Crossrail hole plotters and their likes over the other issues that equally affect this community – Details here shortly
    Why Tower Hamlets Council ‘town hall’ must be returned to the centre of the population in the borough, not kept away any longer in the anti-democratic, criminally-sited distant, undemocratic social and political wasteland of Mulberry place – a new and overdue campaign for the return of the Town Hall nearer to the people – more here soon

    AADHIKARonline The 1st Edition 1100 Hrs GMT / 1200 Hrs UK time London Thursday 5 April 2007
    Khoodeelaar! Campaign against CrossRail hole plot Bill is vindicated once again! Despite the many stunts he has been staging by wantonly abusing his position as ‘mayor’ of London, CRASSrail hole plot-backer, Big Business agent Ken Lyingstone is so desperate now that he is forced to issue unconcealed threats of electoral disaster to the Blair Party. And as the Lyingstone threat is retailed via the utterly pro-Government, PRO-Big Business website which is relying on a ‘Prospect’ magazine interview of two of the past few days, it is certain that even Livingstone knows that his capacity to hide his really sinister abusive streak under covers of something less sinister has come to near its end. Why else would Lyingstone threaten to withdraw his alleged support to the Blair party? He is reportedly saying that unless Blair backs CRASSrail, Livingstone will refuse to back the Blairing party at the next election? What more does the liar want? The CRASSrail plot is in the 'Crossrail Bill' in its current form. It has got its second reading [19 July 2005] already and is blindly being backed by a bunch of poodles posing as the ‘select committee’. That stupidly operated and the stupidly controlled committee has violated the constitutional obligations by obstructing the genuine objections from being presented to it. So blind has it been in preventing opposition to the technical, environmental and other flaws in the ‘Crossrail Bill’ that it [the stupid committee in the House of Commons] has ruled out all but a few token objections. And the Bill will get the Govt backing under the usual whipping mechanism that is in place. So what is it that Lyingstone is complaining about? Unless the charade for CRASSrail he recently staged at No 10 Downing Street – and heaped the praise on the lifelong time server Lyons [who is now being installed as Chairman at the over-stooged BBC] was nothing more than another elaborately packaged lie to give the flawed CRASSrail plot an appearance and a credibility that it does not have and does not deserve!. No substance to any of his crass claims for Crossrail hole plot that he was able to get aired through the media around that time! Which brings the matter back to what Khoodeelaar! Has been saying all along: that the crassly conceived project as contained and typified in the 'Crossrail Bill' is seriously flawed. On all counts. And we have made it plain to Blair for the past 3 years and 4 months of analytical, constitutional, legal and political representation against the Crassly conceived plot that he cannot allow so much scarce public money to be committed to such as seriously flawed, unnecessary plot. [To be continued]

    AADHIKARonline The 2nd Edition 0700 Hrs GMT / 0800 Hrs UK time London Wednesday 4 April 2007

    Khoodeelaar! Exposes Crossrail hole-inviting lying clique on Tower Hamlets Council – ‘minimising disruption’ – we shall explain this multiple lying phrase and show how it typifies the crass corrupt backward behaviour role conduct and ‘thinking’ of every single one of the corrupt clique on the Tower Hamlets Council of all ethnicity linking and gender and orientation
    What Khoodeelaar! Legal action notice to Transport Secretary Douglas Alexander said yesterday [Tuesday 3 April 2007]
    How the Crossrail hole-imposer rubber stamp ‘select committee’ in the UK House of Commons should be scrapped and why the likelihood of its being scrapped being low, Khoodeelaar! Is preparing a separate constitutional and legal challenge to expose the sham that the select committee is, has been and will remain -
    Khoodeelaar! Compares the Crossrail hole-backer Ken Livingstone’s crocodile tears for the alleged low paid people in London – why Lyingstone was Lying still in that crocodile exhibition which he staged within a few days of the disclosure, a very rare event, that Lyingstone had been lying all along to cover up for Bob Kiley a now widely known lazy person being given the benefit of several £million of the poor Londoner’s money just to give Lyingstone the facility to claim that he is not ‘that dangerous after all, even though he sued to be a Red’! Howe far will Lyingstone go to cling on to the corrupting publicly paid for positions in London rather than give up this crazy addiction to publicly paid for office and ‘power’? How many Crossrail hole-like attacks has Lyingstone foisted on people across London and beyond? – More analysis here shortly
    And why do the Guardian, the BBC continue to afford the liar of London so much uncritical space and why do they not point out the liar’s unacceptable temerity to shed crocodile tears for the alleged poorly paid when he is robbing the budget to bribe and enrich his private contacts and mates?
    What is this phrase ‘alleged poorly paid’? This is to mock and expose the other capital lie that has been confected for the Liar of London and foisted upon the mainstream media-reliant populace.. suggesting untruthfully that London has become paradise and all poverty, hardship, discrimination, social exclusion has been abolished ! How? Because it has the Liar as its mayor! A mayor who keeps reciting the pathetic lie that London is now the ‘top’ ‘world class city’, that it is attracting huge huge dollops of the world’s riches…he never explains how this is taking place, never says a word about the true reason for this – which is the deliberate policy of revivalist empire occupation of large parts of Asia so that the cash will be brought here as the inevitable consequence of that imperialist capitalist military and military-aided and linked occupation, as planned and anticipated by the Military Industrial Complex of which the UK ‘economy’ is a big, big part -
    Crossrail hole plot extravaganza demanded by the very same Guardian which also, albeit reluctantly, includes regular reports on how the public utilities are letting down the people in the country- Khoodeelaar! Analysis of the lying Guardian and a constitutional update on the corrupting, racist role played by the Guardian so far - here shortly
    Khoodeelaar! Breaking news

    AADHIKARonline The 5th Edition 2310 Hrs GMT on Tuesday 3 April 2007 / 0010 Hrs UK time, London Wednesday 4 April 2007 Editor©Muhammad Haque

    When he first set his stall as a 'journalist’ 'transport expert’ [in the 1980s] Christian Wolmer almost came across as 10 honest and credible. Now that was a huge achievement given the totally lying behaviour of the professional British journalist in hawk to Big Business interests and agenda. However, Wolmer is now a fully subscribing servant of Big Business plotters on railways. Throughout the day Tuesday 3 April 2007, he was offering his pathetic expertise via the assortment of ‘mainstream’ broadcasting outlets and outfits. Like his co-peddlers, Wolmer peddled for Crossrail as he did for the so-called pegged item. None of what they have broadcast today amounts to addressing the core of the transport crisis in Britain. Khoodeelaar! Will be dealing with that in the next days and weeksTo see just how stupid these so-called Passenger Focussed quotable spokespeople are, CLICK HERE for the ITV retailing of the Crossrail hole plot lies as they were perpetrated during Tuesday 3 April 2007. Similar lies for Crossrail were told via Channel 4 as well as by a host of other ‘mainstream’ media outlets in Britain.


    AADHIKARonline The 3rd Edition 2030 Hrs GMT / 2130 Hrs UK time, London Tuesday 3 April 2007
    Hanbury Street, London E1, kids join Khoodeelaar! No to ‘Crossrail hole attacks on the Brick Lane and Whitechapel London E1 Area’
    reports shortly
    Khoodeelaar! legal action programme – new legal action notice on Douglas Alexander, the current Blair minister ‘in charge’ of or ‘responsible’ for the Crossrail hole attacks plot against the East End of London
    Khoodeelaar! latest constitutional law grounds for action against the CRASSrail hole Bill select committee’s [UK House of Commons] corruption and bureaucratic obstruction

    Evidence of illegality and fraud by the Crossrail hole company and their ‘legal team’
    Khoodeelaar! Quoting London disaster Ken Livingstone on the latest 'appointments' on the board of his bureaucratic outfit Transport for London, Tuesday 3 April 2007 [NOTICED]

    ‘Theft Board has an important role in scrutinising and commenting upon a huge range of often complex but always important transport issues and projects. It is vital that the Board and its advisers reflect a wide range of knowledge and experience and I am delighted (with) these appointments"
    Khoodeelaar! UNQuoting London disaster Ken Livingstone on the latest 'appointments' on the board of his bureaucratic outfit Transport for London, Tuesday 3 April 2007 [NOTICED]
    Khoodeelaar! Comment on Livingstone’s pathetic, complacent statement about the TfL will be published on our websites during Wednesday 4 April 2007


    AADHIKARonline The 2nd Edition 0740 Hrs GMT / 0840 Hrs UK time, London Monday 2 April 2007
    Khoodeelaar! Manifesto for Bethnal green and Bow Against Crossrail hole plot, scheme, plan’ Bill - the latest parts of the Manifesto will be published here shortly

    Why it is racist and corrupting and immoral and unethical and undemocratic for anyone to promote ethnicity-based careerists- a review of the corruption in and via the former Labour Party
    How the LYING East London Idiotiser is contaminating the atmosphere by lyingly peddling its alleged professional 'challenge' to the 'East End Liars', those who are behind the 'East End Lies' and why the 'East London Idiotiser' is asking for an even deeper scrutiny of its pathetic records than Khoodeelaar! has carried out so far - and why the 'East London Idiotiser' must stop lying and or providing any more space to the liars it has lyingly recruited in the recent past as part of its grubby 'battle' with Tower Hamlets Council's controlling clique -The Idiotiser cannot lie and then pretend that it is somehow for some ethical standard itself!
    The facts on how Tower Hamlets Crossrail hole-inviter Council is lying about its role in brining the CrossRail hole attacks
    What is happening in the UK House of Commons about the CRASSrail hole attacks - and why the Rupert Murdoch Times is still attacking the remnants of what Gordon Brown used to believe in - a shred of responsibility where the opening of the Treasury to Big Business looters are concerned - why Ed Balls's presence and Gordon Brown's absence from the Crossrail Ken's stunt staged at 10 Downing Street is so central to the understanding of just how much and how many things are wrong with the CRASSrail hole plot- why CrossRail is wrong in all key particulars
    Khoodeelaar! Legal action programme – when the actual application/.s to the courts in the UK against Crossrail hole plotters will begin
    Breaking news, updates and reports


    AADHIKARonline The 1st Edition 1340 Hrs GMT / 1440 Hrs UK time, London Saturday 31 March 2007

    How central is the ‘KHOODEELAAR! The Brick Lane and Whitechapel London E1 Area No to CrossRail hole ‘scheme, scam, and project. Plot’ Bill’ campaign to the future of Tower Hamlets? How central has it been in the past 39 months
    Why Khoodeelaar! Manifesto for Bethnal Green and Bow against Crossrail hole shows that this campaign has created and established the way for the future to ‘all the parties, groupings and grouplets’ claiming to be doing the ‘political and democratic work on behalf of the community’ on the local Council, on the GLA and in the UK House of Commons]to the extent/s that they are relevant]
    How many ‘witnesses’ to events and incidents and evidence in the Khoodeelaar! Legal action programme have been exposed as sham and as being phonies so far? What Big Business criminals and touts have been posting deliberately false and provocative taunts ion the internet because they have long lost any credibility in the face of the sustained campaign by Khoodeelaar!
    Why did a Tower Hamlets Council employee, ‘Tim Hogan’ lie to prevent the Khoodeelaar! Case to be put before the formal sitting of the Tower Hamlets Council in June 2006?
    Khoodeelaar! Legal action programme and campaign updates and campaign breaking news
    How the Khoodeelaar! Movement has CHANGED the regime at the East London Idiotiser and has caused that racist corrupting outfit to admit its racism, although it still has a 100 years or so to go before being truthfully acceptable as a ‘local newspaper’ claiming to be telling a fraction of the of facts let alone the truth of what is happening in the 'East London' are of its grubby circulation.
    And why the pathetically-edited IDIOTISER’s other obscene, unethical, undemocratic, immoral conduct, its promotion of allegedly glamorous time-serving enemies of the community will backfire on it at the crucial moment- just like it did over its 10 year promotion of ‘Oona King’. What did they do to promote Oona King? They had taken part in the promotion of Oona King as the one who ‘drove the MPS wild with sexual desire’. Now, when had ANY voter in the Bethnal green and Bow Constituency been asked to cast their vote for a brothel? And why would the Idiotiser not be required to apologise to the people in the East End for misrepresenting the constituency as nothing more than an 'electoral' source for filling up a de facto brothel in parliament – More here
    Why is the Idiotiser also wrong to mislead its readers and put another series of false records in its pages and on its [recently started] website about who the people in the East End are, socially, culturally, linguistically, historically and why the Idiotiser must be stopped from promoting criminals and falsifiers and crooks…
    What right has the Idiotiser to claim to be the ‘local newspaper’ when it cannot tell the difference between two convicted criminals – criminals whose really mafia partners have so far been allowed to get off mainly because of the abuse of office by certain holders of public office/s concerned
    And since when did ‘socialism’ include being as corrupt as - if not more corrupt than - the capitalist crooks’? The obscene spectacle of Tower Hamlets Council and certain ‘socialist’ councillors who are beyond contempt already, and it is less than 11 months since they got into the corrupting Mulberry Place address